Can you make a list of 5 things from this past year? Here's mine to stimulate yours:
I'm grateful:
1) to continue to teach and feel inspired by the online Qi Gong practice that was birthed during Quarantine April 2020 and is still going strong! 20 months of practice with a core group of dedicated students! You're invited to join our Winter 2022 Qi Gong practice, click the link here. What's inspiring you right now?
2) for physical health and well-being. It's often only when we become ill, are in pain, or lose someone close to us that we remember just how precious life and health are. I have continued appreciation for my body, and just how important it is to take care of this vehicle that my consciousness lives in. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. What do you do for your physical health and well-being that you feel good about? What would you like to do for yourself in the coming days and year?
3) for a beautiful harvest of medicinal and pollinator plants from my pandemic garden that required no extra watering this year beyond the abundant rain we received in the Hudson Valley. We now have dried tobacco, sage, mugwort, tulsi basil, luffa, and canned pumpkin among others. Also grateful for next years garden plans: growing more food on our 2 acre property, including fruit and nut tree plantings, terracing and rainwater catchment systems for the next spring. (This past fall I took a rad permaculture course with Andrew Faust, his next Permaculture Design Course begins December 11th, see the link here!) What is the harvest of your hard work this year? It's good to take stock and give some self-acknowledgement.
4) That both of my parents survived the physical isolation of the pandemic and that we get to be together again. The feeling of loneliness is just as detrimental to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day! How and with whom are you sharing time with now? Do you know any older folks who could use some tending and care and who's stories you'd like to hear?
5) And perhaps most importantly, I'm grateful for faith and spiritual guidance in the form of friends, community and prayer. For the medicine of the circle, the fire, the water and the elements. And for an absolute conviction in the positivity of life. What continues to be a constant in your life, and holds you steady in the face of division, separation and chaos? What helps you to deepen your faith and trust in life?
* Please share what you're grateful for in the comments below!
